Here I Am!

First of all, happy New Year (as it were). I’ve been waiting to post since my website’s going to transition to another host any day now…since February. I’m done waiting. I miss you guys.

I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly terrified of the world right now as I sit here in quarantine. So far, we’re all healthy but we have to go out SOMETIMES, and of course, therein lies the potential danger. I hope all of you are faring well, healthy, and weathering the sheltering orders as well as you can.

The time off from life as I know it has allowed some good things though. For starters, Miriam’s book, Fast Forward, is a finished draft! I need to do a fourth read-through before I send the manuscript to my reader, revise based on his suggestions, and then to my editor. When I get his feedback, the novel will get another revision or three, but then, it’ll be done! I’ve got a very short piece of writing as a last bit of closure to the Persistence of Memory series as well, and it will go up whenever Fast Forward does.

I’ve also moved the trilogy to a new publishing platform, and it is available solely on Amazon now. It is, however, available for Kindle Unlimited, which means if you are part of that program, you can “borrow” the books for free. This change of publishers also frees me up to run promotions and discounts, so be on the lookout.

To jump start the new beginning, the second edition of the trilogy books will be 99 cents from May 15 to May 31. Take advantage if you haven’t grabbed digital copies yet!

Fast Forward is Book 5 of the series. My editor and professional reader are still confident Book 4, a prequel, is deserving of a traditionally published home, so it’s still out knocking on doors.


I’m beginning to formulate a plan for a new book with new characters, no superheroes this time! That doesn’t mean it will be about ordinary human beings. This novel will be based on a short story I wrote for the Iron Doves Anthology (available on Amazon), which a few readers have said they’d like expanded.

I’m wading into new territory here. Thanks for staying with me on the journey and stay tuned.